Hi I'm Abhi!

I love coding, doing research.


About Me

Experienced programmer with a strong focus on Python, including Django and FastAPI for seamless database integration and design. Familiar with Linux, Java, and Go, with a knack for building microservices. Navigating the software development cycle and advocating for best practices are my forte. A collaborative team player, I'm open to input and dedicated to crafting optimal solutions. Currently pursuing a Master's in Machine Learning and Data Analysis at Virginia Tech. Proficient in revealing insights from intricate datasets and creating dynamic visualizations using Dash, Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn.

I am Looking for

As a backend engineer with extensive experience in data engineering, I specialize in extracting valuable insights from data and translating them into compelling visual presentations. Proficient in database design and adept at setting up efficient pipelines and backends for applications, I bring a deep understanding of these domains to any project.
Currently seeking a summer internship opportunity to further hone my skills and contribute effectively to innovative projects in the field.

My Experience as a Developer

Rakuten Symphony [Python Developer Dec 2021 – Jun 2023]

  • Technologies: Python 3.x • pandas • Flask • Kubernetes • MongoDB

  • • Implemented network automation solutions using Kubernetes and containers, employing tools like Async. Resulted in a 40% boost in log analysis efficiency and successful cloud deployment of feature upgrades.
  • • Utilized ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for centralized logging and monitoring, improving system observability and incident response.
  • • Enhanced data processing capabilities with Pandas and NumPy, significantly improving data manipulation and analysis tasks.
  • • Implemented end-to-end CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, automating code testing and deployment processes.
  • • Engineered a pivotal internal VPN automation tool, drastically reducing manual effort and providing a one-click solution for significant time savings.

One World LLc [Jr.PYTHON DEV. Nov 2020 – Nov 2021]

  • Technologies: • Python • Flask • RestApi • Git •PostMan Api

  • • Implemented CI/CD processes using Jenkins, automating code deployment and ensuring seamless integration.

  • • Managed version control using Git, ensuring a streamlined collaborative environment for the development team.

  • • Documented code and project-related information comprehensively.
  • • Developed extensive unit test cases for critical components using Unittest module.


  • Technologies: • Python • pandas • Numpy • Seaborn

  • • Implemented efficient data pipelines using Seaborn to seamlessly ingest, collect, and extract data from diverse sources including databases, APIs, and external datasets.
  • • Employed advanced data cleaning and preprocessing techniques on raw datasets, enhancing data quality and ensuring that the information was well-structured for subsequent analysis.
  • • Improved data processing speed by 20%, leading to a more agile and responsive data analysis environment, ultimately enhancing the overall productivity.
  • • Enabled seamless analytics and reporting by providing well-structured, clean datasets that met the specific requirements of the analysis and reporting teams.


  • Technologies: • Java • MySQL • Springboot

  • • Assisted in crafting SQL queries to proficiently extract and manipulate data, ensuring the seamless integration of database operations with application functionalities.

  • • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to understand project requirements and contribute to the overall improvement of the software development lifecycle.
  • • Commitment to code quality played a pivotal role in enhancing the maintainability and sustainability of the software applications.
  • • Ensured adherence to best practices and coding standards, promoting consistency and clarity in the codebase.


Virginia Tech

(Master's in Computer Science) 2023-2025

Machine Learning (CS 5805), Information Visualization (CS 5764), Software Project Management (CS5784)

Chandigarh University
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering 2016-2020

What I Know

Working on , , and Machine Learning.

My Projects

  • Technologies: • Python • pandas • Numpy • Seaborn • Plotly • GCP
  • • Employed Python, pandas, and NumPy for data extraction, cleaning, and manipulation of Zillow housing pricing data (2016).
  • • Utilized Seaborn for standard plots and Plotly for interactive visualizations, fostering an in-depth exploration of housing trends.
  • • Leveraged Dash to create an interactive guide-based graph, empowering users to interact with species information and customize their exploration of the data.
  • • Deployed the project on Google Cloud Platform for scalable data processing and storage.
  • • While quantitative quantification may be challenging, the analysis revealed significant qualitative insights. Applied statistical analysis, outlier detection, and comparative visualizations to unearth patterns, resulting in a robust foundation for informed decision-making in the real estate sector.


  • Technologies: Python • OpenCV • Database • Git
  • • In the final year group project (2020), I led primary role of implementing the DST (Decision Support System) model for moving object detection. Additionally, I played a pivotal role in the project by successfully integrating a feature that triggers alarms upon detecting moving objects, enhancing the system’s functionality and utility.

  • RGB Color Detection

  • Technologies: Python • OpenCV

  • • Implemented RGB colour detection using Python to identify and analyse colours within images.
  • • Leveraged computer vision libraries such as OpenCV to perform colour analysis and detection with high accuracy.